The importance of Scaling and Root Planing
Plaque is the biofilm of bacteria that can be found clinging to the front of the teeth, the back of the teeth, the spaces between the teeth, and other surfaces throughout the human mouth. Over time, it hardens into tartar, which speeds up the formation of more plaque by providing the bacteria with perfect surfaces to cling to. This is a serious problem because their presence is responsible for causing cavities and other oral diseases.
As a result, a routine visit to the experienced dentists comes with professional teeth cleaning session designed to remove as much of the build-up as possible for better oral health.
However, there are times when this is not enough. For example, plaque on the gum line can cause the gums to swell, which makes them less and less effective as a seal from the outside. As vertical space starts opening up between the gums and the teeth, plaque can start forming in these pockets, which can lead to a worsening of existing symptoms as well as an eventual case of bone loss. This occurs when the bacteria starts interfering with the cells that are responsible for building and breaking down the substance. When this happens, the solution is scaling and root planing.
Scaling and root planing are common nonsurgical techniques that may prevent the need for more serious procedures, such as periodontal surgery or root canals.
Scaling and root planing is a simple procedure involving the removal of plaque, tartar, and other food particles in your mouth accumulated on and under the gum line. Experienced dentists at ALERIS SALEM DENTAL CENTER in Salem, MA use special instruments to remove plaque and tartar. Ultrasound tools can also be used to remove larger fragments.
Scaling and root planing is important for preventing periodontitis, which can cause tooth loss when enough of the alveolar bone that holds them in place has been lost.
However, it should be noted that the presence of bacteria in the pockets can cause a whole host of other unpleasant symptoms, which include but are not limited to bad breath, tender gums.
Early diagnosis of gum disease can be easily treated with a scaling and root planing treatment which will help in the removal of the plaque and tartar in the mouth.
Maintaining oral hygiene is important for maintaining healthy gums, teeth, and body. The American Dental Association recommends that you should brush your teeth at least twice a day, floss once a day, and schedule dental check-ups and professional cleaning at least once in six months.

If you suspect that your mouth could benefit from scaling and root planing or some other dental procedure, don’t hesitate to book your consultation with our experienced dentists at ALERIS SALEM DENTAL CENTER in Salem, MA at your earliest convenience. By making sure that your teeth are in good condition sooner rather than later, you can continue to count on them for the foreseeable future.