Why Do you need a dental exam
To determine if dental exams are necessary, it is important to know what they are, and what they entail. Dental exams can be referred to...

Is There A Link Between Obesity And Oral Health?
We see it all around us—obesity issues on the news, new diet fads making top headlines and big brand companies releasing diet versions of...

Water Quality Importance For Oral Health
Water is one of the most basic needs of humans. Without it, not only will we become dehydrated, but we will also be unable to perform...

Dentist in Salem MA
Sеаrсhing fоr аn еxреriеnсеd dentist in Sаlеm MA? At Alеriѕ Dentists, we hаvе made it a рriоritу tо рrоvidе our раtiеntѕ with a...